Lab 3 - FM signals

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In this lab you will create an FM modulator and demodulator, and then use an SDR (software defined radio) to receive FM signals in real-time.

As you work, consider the following questions:

  • What are the differences between an analog transmitter and a software-defined transmitter?
  • What are the differences between an analog receiver and a software-defined receiver?


  • 2 GRC files:
    • an FM transmitter
    • an FM receiver
  • A single page with answers to the questions posed throughout the lab.
    • There are several questions which are all carefully labelled Deliverable Question X. Each question should take only one to two sentences to answer and address the concepts being explored.

There are also a number of questions included within the text which are not denoted “deliverable”. Written answers to these questions are not required, but an effort should be made to think about and answer these questions as they are encountered

Part 1 - FM transmitter simulation

UVic ECE Communications Labs

Lab manuals for ECE 350 and 450